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BESTSELLER ! Robert Cardinal Sarah in conversation with Nicolas Diat, The Day is Now Far Spent, 2019, (tłum. „Wieczór się zbliża i dzień już się chyli”

Robert Cardinal Sarah in conversation with Nicolas Diat, The Day is Now Far Spent, Ignatius Press, September 22, 2019. Robert Cardinal Sarah calls The Day Is Now Far Spent his most important book. He analyzes t
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The Guide: Preparation for living in Poland

Preparation for living in Poland. The guide for students and workers (download) 1. ABOUT ZABIELSKI FOUNDATION 1.1. Mission and goals 1.2. Activities and projects  1.2.1 Smart Community Accelerator 1.2.2 Educat
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POLISH LANGUAGE – BASIC EXPRESSIONS (download full) Yes / No – Tak/Nie [tak /n’yeh] Please – Proszę [prosheh] Thank you – Dziękuję [djyen’kooyeh] Thank you very much ̵